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Who Should not Take Collagen Peptide

1. Metabolic dysfunction: people with metabolic dysfunction may experience abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, loose stools and other symptoms when they supplement too much collagen peptides, and collagen may be lost.
2. Their own protein is too high: the body’s globulin, albumin, albumin than too high should not eat collagen, may lead to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, but also lead to hyperlipidemia.
3. Gastrointestinal intolerance: if the digestive tract bleeding, gastroesophageal fundus venous dilatation or serious peptic ulcer, also should not eat collagen for a long time, otherwise affect the gastric mucosa appear acid reflux, heartburn and other symptoms of the digestive tract.
4. Allergy-prone people: if there are people allergic to protein or seafood food, is not suitable to eat collagen peptide, because it contains more protein and seafood ingredients, so allergy-prone people once taken, may appear allergic to the phenomenon, in order to safety or should not be used.
5. Gout people: usually suffer from gout people, also not suitable to eat collagen peptide. This part of the people in excess of the consumption of protein, will lead to the aggravation of the disease, and gout patients usually in the amount of protein consumption, need to be strictly controlled, so it is best not to use collagen peptides.
6. Pregnant people: women are naturally beautiful, but the women after pregnancy is a special period, can not use collagen peptide, because collagen peptide contains 19 kinds of amino acids, which are not suitable for the fetus, will cause premature development, maturity and so on, for the baby’s growth and development after birth is also very unfavorable.
7. Minors group: minors refers to people under 18 years old, this period of the body’s collagen is more adequate, without additional supplement, once a large number of supplement may cause harm to the body, generally after the age of 25 years into the collagen loss period, in this period of supplementation, to meet the body’s needs.

If you need to supplement collagen peptides, it is recommended to consult a professional doctor at a hospital nutrition department to avoid serious consequences due to improper consumption.

Post time: Mar-18-2023